Watch out 99 farm, here i come!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Boredom is out.

I haven't really have been able to make any posts theses least few days, especially because i was having multiple problems with runescape, there was the click and type lag, my screenie shots not wanting to work, and school not getting in the way. :s

with screenies not working, ill spin my tale.

i had been working on killing the indaquency (dream mentor) when i panicked,  kept sipping my sara's and died. having failed that attempt i felt like i was turning in to cyrisus myself. (he was afraid of combat, and i needed to help him overcome it) the second time, i decided to borrow and sgs, and sell my dragon hatchet, to buy some armor, the only problem i had with the indaquency (lv343)is that there were mutiple doubts (lv 78) attacking, having pwned him, with 5 saras, and a super restore  i had to face the next one, the everlasting (lv 224) after that, i had to face the untouchable ( lv 274) and the illusive (lv 108), the most annoying one, especially because, i used up all my restores too early, and my stats were drained, and you only got 1 hit before it dug down, and came up somewere else. In other words, it was annoying, but i pwned it after a few tries.

rigt at this very moment, i am attempting to mine out, another 6.2k pure ess, for 40-50 runecrafting, i currently have about 700 stocked up, and i still have a ways to go.

Heads up! i have moved my event for my party from the 17th, to the 20th of Febuary, so mark your calander, i will be hosting a godward dungeon sweep, a kbd trip, a house party, and even maybe something else thought of at last moment, so be ready!

Me and my rune essence pet toby.

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