Watch out 99 farm, here i come!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Time Is Money.

as for not having enough time to post on my blog, ive been dedicating my my time on rs.
but, i still have been taking plenty of pictures.
so here they are:
a very accomplished 99 from vandy. :)

a cutscene from between a rock....

Tihs happened after someone left the nature alter, i didn't understand it, still don't.

Runscapians and dwarves can be civilised every once in awhile.
(cutscene form forgiveness of a chaos dwarf)

Me and some friends getting rushed at clan wars, im the one with the zamorakian spear and the steel minotaur.

dragons attacking im simultanious unity.

part of a dungeon from the legends quest i was suposed to explore.
See the dragon?

Am i under attack?

    a supposed picture of the new cape?

wellthats all for now, ODST, signing off.


  1. I think almost all major city has a vendor that sells it. But you can probably make some gold reselling it anyway
