Watch out 99 farm, here i come!


Thursday, February 4, 2010


finding time to put this up, ive decided to best make a post when i can find time. this gap will aslo allow me to collect several tales, story's and pictures.

i had achieved 49 prayer, not to long ago, but long enough so that i have nothing to say about it.

meanwile, while i was pvp, i had been luck enough to find an evil magic tree!

with its health at 50% and only using a bronze hatchet, i managed to get a hefty 62% reward, scoring me 7 magic logs, a birds nest, and 1k coins, otherwise, pvp didn't turn out as well as i hoped, i'd had lost twice as mush as i'd have gained, but it wasn't really a bad trip but, i don't think ill be going again for a while.

also ive decided tsell a bit of my rannars, a hefty prie for only 200 eh? since pking drained me of most money, and about another 1.5m went out o my checklist of about 300m, i won' be farming for a bit.
although i am stockin up on seeds just for consideration, adding the green is a real motivation towards my abut sevel items left;

a White party hat.

an ags

Full dragon.

Dragon claws.

And a dragon pick.

The only3 items ive dished out for are a d hatchet, a crystal bow, and some extra supllies for 55 cons.

speaking of 55 cons, i wanted to throw out a remind for feb 17'th.

i am hosting a party, as it is my birthday, i am hosting a gwd trip, a kbd trip, one more trip of last minute choice, and a party at my house. well this is the end for now, goodbye!


  1. Nice blog you got going here. Remember not to feel like you HAVE to blog tonight or anything. And capitalize the I's :D.

    Looking forward to more posts
