after pie said getting 99 agil she was going to get 99 cook, for her birthday instead of intended agility.
so explained to her she was getting 99 agility so she could bounce around the kitchen make me a sandwitch,
give it to me, than pole dance (idk)
after that there were confusions, oohs', and sad faces.
after that (i forget who) had asked if pie wanted her 100k she loaned to him back.
right after that lord buckeyz said "the agil cape is like a pole dance"
which made it sound like "100k for agil pole dance"
that reminded me of what happened at schoo, i was wroking on the computer, putting togethar a project,
when i started heraing parts of conversations next to me, putting all that together it had sounded like
"your 50 dollars....pole said you would.......want it better..." so i gave them a theory of what i hear, and we all started laughing.
everyone confused and dazed about that one, went back to normal convo's and stuff.
my explanation for not being blogging for the past while.
I've been cramming, with isats have just come up, ur biggest test of the years i;ve had to bee cramming or else i would have failed, ik ima pass though.
^this pic reminds me of how zach owes me dclaws.^
well of for tonight, letters.
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